We offer two different ways for you to utilize our expertise.
The first if houly rates that will fluctuate from job to job based on the needs of your flight.
Secondly, tiered and flat rate price per deliverable, only need one or two photos? Why cough up an hourly rate from the other guys or national drone group.
Call us and we will work out that is best for you. Please have the location in mind when you call.
Please note, every flight is different and will be treated as such.
Booking not changed of canceled within a 72 hour time frame will lose deposit
All flights must be conducted in compliance with FAA regulations and completed in safe weather conditions .
If conditions become a safety issue, the client may safe remainder of time from booking for later date
or a partial refund based on hours worked.

4 hr
300 US dollars15 min
35 US dollars8 hr
500 US dollars1 hr
100 US dollars